Week 5: Strength To Keep You Aggressive And On Your Feet

We made it to our week last week of the Summer Series! Finally we get to add in some major chaos because guess what… your game is chaotic and you gotta be ready.

Contact sports come with a lot of unpredictability and thatโ€™s why we created a free 15 minute chaos workout that you can add into your routine. Let’s get to work!!

Watch to the end and TAKE ACTION for an offer we are only extending to SERIOUS athletes like yourself!

STRENGTH AND BALANCE THROUGH CHAOS: Everything starts with you controlling your environment. There will be outside noise, are you strong enough to resist and control?

Areas Improved: Strength, stability, control.

Complete 3×30 seconds each side.

OFFSET MOVEMENT: Once you can maintain control through the outside noise, can you now control and maintain progress with your movement?

Areas Improved: Strength, stability, control, switch, core stiffness, anti-rotation.

Complete 3×10 switches each side.

CONTACT THEN MOVE: Having the control to have resistance quickly taken away but still being able to move in the direction you want will help you win 50/50 balls against an opponent.

Areas Improved: Acceleration, control, agility, strength, efficiency, rhythm, timing, speed.

Complete 3×6 each move each side.

CONTACT AND MOVE: With an outside force consistently on you, you still need to get to where you are going. Falling down will result in a lost opportunity that can be prevented with the proper training.

Areas Improved: Acceleration, control, agility, strength efficiency, rhythm, timing, speed.

Complete 3×6 each move each side.

Now if you are an athlete who REALLY wants to make a difference, we are here to help you prioritize WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, and exactly HOW to do it. We work in between your hectic life schedule to get you the results youโ€™re willing to work for.

ย We offer a free Gap program to anyone committed to joining our 12 or 8 week Mentorship early. This gives your athlete full access to our resources and coaches and more momentum into workouts so we hit the ground running day 1.

Want in? Click “Take the Leap!” below.

This will take you to a calendar and all you have to do is fill out the best time for us to talk. We will then help map out an exact plan of what you need to reach your SPEED GOALS!

Davin completely revamped his sprint in just 3 weeks

Troy found himself losing more defenders each week from his clean new movement

Lilya added new purpose to old drills and found her self gaining speed

Hayley couldn’t believe her eyes watching her old form just a few weeks into our 1on1 mentorship

Alex’s new normal is ice pack and pain killer free, even with a heavier workload

Rylee gained confidence and happiness after working with us 1on1, she lost that fear and can’t wait to go play